Riverwest 24 events to support the Riverwest Co-op
Please join us as we celebrate so much!
We are so happy to host one more Spaghetti dinner with The Falcon Bowl. Plus it kicks off the RW24 with some carbs and good neighbors.
We are going to let the riders eat first at 4pm and then from 5-8pm we will be open to everyone.
$12 adults
$6 Kids
No presale
Potluck Dessert is Back and BIGGER than ever.
We are hoping to have the co-op community support our dinner and the RW24 riders by making desserts.
We estimate we need 500 pieces of dessert to serve the riders and paying diners.
Please sign up here
if you have any questions email
We told you we would host special events - and what better time then to cap off the RW24 weekend.
Please join us on Sunday July 31st 10am -3pm
Special Brunch Menu (sorry no pancakes)
But other favorites and some RW24 specials.
Stay tuned for details.
We cannot wait to hear all your stories!
The store hours
8am-midnight Friday only
8am-8pm Saturday and everyday